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About Us

The need of an online resource pertaining to Traffic Education (Pendidikan Lalu Lintas) has been greatly felt in Malaysia becasue there was no online outlet specifically dealing with this subject. "Drive in Malaysia" is the first-ever traffic rules and testing website of Malaysia founded by Ch. Mahmood Anwar. The founder enjoys an international prestige as a social scientist, technologist, business and research consultant, entrepreneur, and author. The founder was associated with TIIAME - National Research University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan as a Professor of Business Management till August, 2024. Formerly, he was associated with Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia. Ch. Mahmood Anwar also serves as Associate Editor of XIMB Journal of Management (Emerald, UK), and the International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (ABS/Inspec/ERIH PLUS/Engineering Village) which is co-published by the National D.B.A Society & Accreditation Council, USA. In addition, he is associated with editorial and review operations of many other well known international academic journals. He won Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing Award in 2018 presented by Personality and Individual Differences Journal published by Elsevier. Currently, he is a memebr of American Psychological Association. His research has been published in leading international journals like Journal of Management and Organization, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Ekonomie a Management etc. He is a pioneer scholar raised voice against the "emergence of false realities in academia" caused by research published in top-tier business journals. His commentary highlighting this serious issue was published in Tourism Critiques

Business & Management scholars, looking for consultancy or mentoring on research paper writing, statistical analysis, or journal publication, may reach him by clicking here. Business Management researchers, students and professionals can watch his video lectures on social science, business, management, statistics and economics to get a better understanding of theoretical concepts, empirical analysis, and Software applications by subscribing to his YouTube Educational Channel.

The purpose of this website is to offer "all about traffic rules and JPJ driving test preparation" knowledge resources to Malaysians. This website will also serve as a great resource for foreigners who are living in Malaysia to earn their bread and butter.

The idea to develop such a wonderful knowledge resource was originated and implemented by the founder of this website. He invites all the people interested to learn traffic rules, road safety, and how to prepare for JPJ theory and practical test.

Come and join hands with us to educate Malaysia in the world of traffic and road safety. "Drive in Malaysia" is a step towards a safer Malaysia.

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