- On Mar, 20, 2021
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Every vehicle driver must thoroughly inspect the vehicle before starting it to ensure that overall condition of vehicle’s body is good. In addition, a driver must ensure that required tools to replace punctured tyre, a well inflated spare tyre, and emergency triangle are placed in the vehicle. All drivers should check water level of radiator, wiper reservoir, acid level of battery, […]
Continue Reading...- On Mar, 20, 2021
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Routine before driving or Rutin Sebelum Memandu (RSM) is a set of instructions every driver has to follow once sit in driving seat to make sure that certain electronic, electrical, and mechanical systems of car are working normally. Like RPK, RSM procedure is also endorsed by Road Transport Department (JPJ), Malaysia to ensure safe on road driving experience. […]
Continue Reading...- On Mar, 20, 2021
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Similar to Drive in Malaysia's (DIM) slogan "Safety First", Malaysia's government and Road Transport Department (JPJ) is keenly concerned with safety of Malaysian and foreigner road users. Safe driving routine or Rutin Selamat Memandu (CITO) is a set of safe driving principles endorsed by JPJ to be followed by all vehicle drivers. When you are driving, you must keep yourself […]
Continue Reading...- On May, 17, 2021
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
While driving a vehicle, the brain of a driver continuously processes the sensory information in order to make correct decisions. We all know that every human being has five senses i.e., sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch. Among these senses, 2 senses are very important in driving i.e., sight and hearing. Human Eyes transform light into image signals.These signals are sent to the […]
Continue Reading...- On Jul, 2, 2021
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Driving, whether on a comfort car, luxury car or a weather-beaten truck can provide utility depending on the user’s needs. The human nature is such that a balance ought to be obtained between satisfaction of needs and the budgetary constraint involved. On an economic perspective, individuals tend to behave rationally in order to maximise benefits received from consuming […]
Continue Reading...- On Aug, 3, 2021
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI) is a term often heard nowadays. It is also called driving while intoxicated (DWI), operating while intoxicated (OWI), and operating vehicle under the influence (OVI). We see this almost every day in the news because it has become a serious problem in our society which is the major cause of road crashes and traffic fatalities worldwide. […]
Continue Reading...- On Nov, 21, 2021
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Different countries have implemented different traffic rules to ensure road users safety. They also have different rules on how to enter a country you are not a citizen of? Malaysia, which is bordered by four countries i.e., Thailand, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, crafted regulations for individuals from Malaysia if they want to visit their neighboring country and vice versa. […]
Continue Reading...- On Apr, 12, 2022
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
There are many descriptions of Hydroplaning as reported by many authors, but to sum it all up in a simplified manner, Hydroplaning can be described as skimming and sliding of the tires of a high-speed vehicle on a road surface due to a stagnant puddle of water or a thin film on top of the water, especially during rainy days. Hydroplaning can sometimes be referred. […]
Continue Reading...- On May, 4, 2022
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
In today's world, road safety is considered one of a country's public major health concerns since the prevalence of road accidents and related moralities is alarming. The statistic of road traffic accidents in Malaysia began to increase since 2015 and a total of 255,532 road accidents were reported till the end of 2021 as stated by Transport Minister DatukSeri Dr Wee Ka Siong […]
Continue Reading...- On Jul, 5, 2022
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Considering the height of technological advancement in terms of road usage, it is bad that many road users have only learned to depend largely on traffic lights, vertical road signs, or road marks without giving much attention to police officers directing the traffic or finding themselves in a dilemma when they are faced with unusual situations. Though it is getting rare to […]
Continue Reading...- On Jul, 28, 2022
- Admin
In Southeast Asia, Malaysia is one of the leading auto markets in terms of car sales, next to Thailand and Indonesia. However, compared to Thailand and Indonesia, Malaysia is slower in encouraging the production and use of electric vehicles. In October last year, Finance Minister Tengku Zafrul Aziz announced a plan to apply tax reduction measures for […]
Continue Reading...- On Aug, 11, 2022
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
One of the most important techniques to learn as a new driver, especially in the United States is how to skillfully use your hand to signal in case there is an emergency such as brake failure or probably your signal lights suddenly stopped working. So, as a driver, mastering how to communicate with the hand is important for vehicle drivers globally including Malaysian drivers. […]
Continue Reading...- On Aug, 27, 2022
- Admin
In 2011, Malaysia had a per capita income of $9,700, equal to Thailand but still far behind Singapore. This Muslim country developed a complete transport infrastructure and many means of transportation from cars to subways, so traveling and moving is quite convenient. Malaysia has up to 21.25 million vehicles, in the capital city Kuala Lumpur alone has approx. […]
Continue Reading...- On Sep, 21, 2022
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Since their invention and over years of technological development, there has been an ever-increasing usage of personal vehicles as a means of transportation. Unfortunately, this wide-spread usage has led to a corresponding increase in road accidents involving cars. According to reports by the World Health Organization (WHO), there are an average of over […]
Continue Reading...- On Oct, 19, 2022
- Admin
In the past era people used to ride old means of transportation such as camels, horses, mules and donkeys, then God Almighty bestowed people with modern means such as cars and other vehicles. The advancement in transportation technology not only created ease but also an urgency to take care of road affairs, and legalize the administrative systems that are concerned with the […]
Continue Reading...- On Nov, 10, 2022
- Admin
The noble Islamic Sharia is concerned with organizing all aspects of an individual's life, for instance, routine matters, stay, travel, earning etc. Islam has prescribed etiquettes and moral grounds for the activities like travel, seeking recreation, tourism, work, visit or other itineraries. Many Muslims may neglect the etiquette of travel and its legal rulings. […]
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Weaknesses of Malaysian Car Review Websites: An Analysis of Paul Tan, CarBase, AutoBuzz, WapCar and Carlist
- On Nov, 13, 2022
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
When it comes to car-related research, there are a few popular websites in Malaysia that drivers/potential car buyers rely on for unbiased information – Paul Tan, CarBase.my, AutoBuzz.my, WapCar.my, and Carlist.my. All of these websites have their pros and cons, but today we'll be looking specifically at the weaknesses of each one. stay tuned! […]
Continue Reading...- On Nov, 24, 2022
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Despite the fact that many people think listening to music while driving is not dangerous, the research shows that it can be very dangerous and cause accidents because it has been found as a source of in-vehicle distraction. If you want to stay safe on the road, the best thing to do is to stop listening to music while driving. Listening to […]
Continue Reading...- On Dec, 16, 2022
- Admin
Here in Malaysia, most of us park our car on the streets (in front of our house or nearby or wherever it is possible and easy) because there are not enough covered parking spaces available, especially, in urban areas. However, it is not a good idea to leave your car in the rain because excess water can ruin the car's paint and damage the car's engine and headlights. […]
Continue Reading...- On Jan, 3, 2023
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Every driver needs to know the driving rules when it comes to overtaking a car. In Malaysia, it is illegal to overtake on the left side. This driving rule is in place for the safety of all drivers on Malaysian roads. When driving, always maintain a safe following distance from the car in front of you. This will give you enough time to react if […]
Continue Reading...- On Jan, 9, 2023
- Admin
The seat belt is considered one of the most important parts of the car, as it saves annually the lives of millions of people. In the following article, we will talk about the history of the seat belt and its stages of development. The main reason, which has made driving safer today than it was in the 1960s, is introduction to seat belts in vehicles. This is correct as […]
Continue Reading...- On Jan, 17, 2023
- Admin
No one is aware of the extent of the suffering that a pregnant woman is exposed to in the exercise of her daily activities. For example, driving a car to go to work, to the market, or any other place is one of the most important tasks that a pregnant woman must take into account during pregnancy, as making any wrong movement would put mother and fetus at risk. […]
Continue Reading...- On Jan, 24, 2023
- Admin
You can monitor your children at home to ensure that they behave in a safe manner, and when it comes to the outdoors, it is important to instill behaviors that ensure their safety, and it is necessary to recognize the importance of introducing children to basic traffic safety rules and the risks of not doing so. Based on the global road casualty […]
Continue Reading...- On Feb, 11, 2023
- Admin
In the 1930s, Frank W. Cyr (July 7, 1900 – August 1, 1995) (an American educator and author known especially for his contribution to school busing) made a study on school transportation. He learned that students were riding on all types of vehicles, including trucks and buses of every imaginable color and condition. One district's buses sported red, white […]
Continue Reading...- On Feb, 17, 2023
- Admin
A car is a very complex amalgamation of many components, each of it working in its place. All components work together to bring you safely and affordably, while the tires directly move this huge mass of many components smoothly and comfortably without feeling the entire interior details. However, among the thousands of things[…]
Continue Reading...- On Apr, 6, 2023
- Admin
Do you have no time to take your car to the service station and don’t know much how to wash the car without loosing its shine? Here are some important tips for washing your car at home. Washing the car periodically is one of the things that maintain the appearance and quality of your car. In addition, car washing becomes all the more essential if if you have a plan […]
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The History of Motorcycle, Its Types and Contributing Factors to Motorcycle Injury Crashes in Malaysia
- On Jul, 21, 2023
- Admin
A motorcycle (motorbike, bike, or trike (if three-wheeled)) is a two or three-wheeled motor vehicle steered by a handlebar from a saddle-style seat ("Motorcycle". Encyclopedia Britannica. Archived from the original on 20 January 2022. Retrieved 12 June 2023). The first motorcycle with gasoline internal combustion was the Daimler Reitwagen which was […]
Continue Reading...- On Jul, 27, 2023
- Admin
Our children are the most important thing that God almighty has given us in this life, so it is our duty towards them to protect them and preserve their safety whether if they are with us or alone. Every year in America, 121 people are killed in school bus accidents, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety[…]
Continue Reading...- On Oct, 9, 2023
- Admin
The process of washing cars is one of the routine things that vehicle owners do regularly, whether by washing cars at home or in specialized car wash stations. It restores the car to its beautiful appearance and increases its luster, especially when doing so in one of the specialized stations with extensive experience in the field.[…]
Continue Reading...- On Nov, 22, 2023
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
No one enjoys spending time in a car, but for some it can be an absolute nightmare. Drivers need to be aware of their surroundings and manoeuvre their car safely and efficiently through traffic. If you're a vehicle driver, driving on Malaysian roads or anywhere in the world here are seven road driving manoeuvres.[…]
Continue Reading...- On Jan, 22, 2024
- Admin
Driving overseas can be a wonderful adventure, but before you go, make sure your local license is accepted in Malaysia. This thorough guide will give you important information on the nations whose driving licenses is accepted by the Malaysian government, as well as what you will need to bring with you and important[…]
Continue Reading...- On Aug, 12, 2024
- Admin
It is reasonable to argue that battery-powered automobiles are dominating the auto industry. In spite of the macro-economic and geopolitical uncertainty, high commodity, energy prices, COVID-19 pandemic, the ensuing supply chain delays, the market for electric vehicles (EVs) has grown significantly. EV sales are[…]
Continue Reading...- On Feb, 17, 2025
- Ch. Mahmood Anwar
Malaysia's rapid economic development and increasing motorization have led to a complex interplay of factors affecting road safety. Despite efforts to improve infrastructure and enforce traffic regulations, the nation continues to grapple with a high accident rate. This article delves into the current state of road[…]
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